Sunday, August 30, 2009

For Teddy

I have been writing a lot of poetry lately, mostly political. I don't yet feel completely comfortable sharing my poetry, but one of the reasons I enjoy writing is that it allows others to experience something they would not be able to otherwise. Here are a couple poems I wrote yesterday at Ted Kennedy's funeral procession and Senate tribute.

August 29, 2009

Lost amongst the crowd
Stretching to see the passage of history
As one era ends
A new one seems only too distant
We pay our respects
We give our thanks
A cool breeze gives the mob some relief
Our hands on our hearts
To keep them from falling
and shattering

A Rainbow of Grief

The Senate seems a little less grand
As if the marble itself were sagging
Even the sky looks ready to cry
A staff clad in black
A mob peppered with colors
The cicadas would deafen us
Were we not already deaf with sorrow
The buildings lean in to hear the prayer
Unable to escape their foundations
As we all contemplate our measure

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